Hanover County Fair also known as Cape Fear Fair and Expo
has been entertaining the community for over a decade every summer. The Image
of the New Hanover County Fair brings memories of livestock, crafts, sticky cotton
candy, balloons, and clowns, laughter of young and old alike, while in the distance
the sounds of the midway calls.
Contests include Mr. Buckaroo & Ms. Buckaroo, Jr. Mr. Buckaroo
& Jr. Ms. Buckaroo, Little Mr. Buckaroo & Little Ms. Buckaroo, Baked
Goods, and Cut Flower. Cape Fear Fair and Expo feature educational as well as
individual exhibits inside the Agriculture Exhibit Tent. Livestock feature in
the tent include Livestock Tent, Beef Cattle Dept, Dairy Cattle Dept, Swine
Dept, Horses Dept, Fowl Dept, Sheep Dept, Rabbits Dept, and Goats. Individual
exhibits include field crops, horticultural crops, culinary, clothing, needlework,
arts and crafts, youth and vocational entries.
Contact information:
Cape Fear Fair and Expo Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 3265
Wilmington, NC 28406
Phone: (910) 313-1234
Email: news@capefearfair.com